How to Use Spanish moss in a Sentence
Spanish moss
Then, of course, there are the town squares draped in Spanish moss.
—Rose Marie Walano, House Beautiful, 4 Aug. 2023
About This Episode For the last episode of the season, a reader has a Spanish moss dilemma.
—Steve Bender, Southern Living, 21 Sep. 2024
Tendrils of Spanish moss tremble in the breeze, and the sand is soft beneath our feet.
—Kiley Bense, Smithsonian Magazine, 9 Jan. 2024
Take a ball of green Spanish moss in your hands and hollow out an opening with your thumbs.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 26 Feb. 2024
Here, a wintery scene is set with moody Spanish moss and a roaring fire.
—Kelly Allen, House Beautiful, 9 Feb. 2023
It's filled it out with English ivy, which also grows in the backyard, plus Spanish moss. 5.
—Miranda Crowell, Better Homes & Gardens, 1 Mar. 2023
In central Florida, there’s a place where live oak trees meet the blue sky and Spanish moss drips from each limb.
—Anna Mahan, Country Living, 10 Sep. 2023
The canopy of cypress trees creates a shaded world where Spanish moss, ferns and orchids thrive.
—Bill Kearney, Sun Sentinel, 16 Feb. 2023
My two-hour ride also stopped under Spanish moss, amid coastal scrub and along the boundary of a mangrove swamp.
—Simon Peter Groebner, Star Tribune, 19 Feb. 2021
Great for: Day trippers and campers looking to get lost under Spanish moss and in the Dungeness ruins, or spot a wild horse on the sand.
—Thomas Wheatley, Axios, 2 Aug. 2024
There’s a wealth of kudzu, potato vines, tree branches dripping with Spanish moss.
—Kristen Arnett, Time, 15 Oct. 2022
The unpaved state highway cuts through a slough crowded with bald cypress trees laden with Spanish moss and spidery air plants.
—Miami Herald Archives, Miami Herald, 20 May 2024
Wisps of Spanish moss, dangling vines and the nearby Windsor Ruins, an immense mansion burned in 1890, evoke a lost world.
—Andrew Nelson, WSJ, 23 Apr. 2021
Cover foam with Spanish moss, and finish with grapevine accents. Decorate the dining room with this easy-as-pie craft.
—Charlyne Mattox, Country Living, 14 Sep. 2022
Other more expensive media, such as peat moss or Spanish moss, can be used.
—Mike Harrelson, San Diego Union-Tribune, 11 Mar. 2023
There are more than 600 different Tillandsia plants, and the most common is Spanish moss, which is neither Spanish nor moss.
—Jennifer Dixon, Detroit Free Press, 1 Sep. 2023
The swampy surrounds are full of otherworldly cypress trees dripping in Spanish moss and are a fun (and spooky) place to paddle, kayak or take a bayou tour.
—Rebecca Treon, Chron, 11 Mar. 2022
From the oldest Black church in North America to historic squares shaded by oak trees dripping with Spanish moss, there's so much to explore.
—Catherine Garcia, theweek, 26 Jan. 2024
Thousands of music lovers descend upon the park to camp out beneath ancient live oak trees covered in Spanish moss.
—Garret K. Woodward, Rolling Stone, 2 Apr. 2023
In addition to cardboard inserts that kept the pot and matching tray in place, a coco fiber mat and a layer of Spanish moss held soil in its container.
—Alyssa Gautieri, Good Housekeeping, 9 Feb. 2023
Established in 1938, the green space overlooks Lake Maitland and features towering oak trees with dangling Spanish moss that sways with the breeze.
—Patrick Connolly,, 31 Dec. 2021
Paddle through the bottomlands and between bald cypress trees covered in Spanish moss over Big Cypress Bayou, or weave through one of the paddling trails across the lake.
—Amanda Ogle, Travel + Leisure, 25 Jan. 2024
Angel Oak The surrounding Lowcountry, filled with live oak trees and Spanish moss, is just as picturesque as the historic homes downtown.
—Lydia Mansel, Travel + Leisure, 31 May 2023
The two strike up an easy friendship: Every evening, Leanne throws a paper plane into Bayou’s window and the two meet under an oak tree with drooping Spanish moss.
—Lovia Gyarkye, The Hollywood Reporter, 11 Sep. 2022
Trees weighed down by fruit or epiphytes such as ball moss or Spanish moss, like many Sugar Land trees, are also susceptible.
—Juhi Varma, Houston Chronicle, 28 Sep. 2020
Riders will be transported to the magical land of the bayou, complete with flowing Spanish moss and water lilies.
—Carly Caramanna, Travel + Leisure, 13 May 2024
In the Southeast, pairs build their nests, lined with Spanish moss or other soft vegetation, high in the crowns of tall trees such as pine, bald cypress, or cottonwood, near marshes, rivers, and swamps.
—Kait Hanson, Southern Living, 24 June 2024
Seminole bat Lasiurus seminolus This reddish-brown bat likes to roost in clumps of Spanish moss that thrive on live oak branches.
—Shannon Sims, Smithsonian Magazine, 28 Mar. 2023
Large shaded verandas, mint juleps and shaded trees covered with Spanish moss had little to do with most of Arkansas.
—Curtis Varnell The Timepiece,, 13 Oct. 2024
This Georgia barrier island will instantly get you in the spirit with its canopied oak trees dripping with Spanish moss and Christmas lights.
—Kaitlyn Yarborough, Southern Living, 30 Oct. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'Spanish moss.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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